Website by Tom Alciere; An independent website not connected with any organization.
The site lets you see
what the U.S.A. public was told through news coverage, mostly Associated Press reports, in
a typical U.S.A. small city newspaper. Images are linked image files which are
unretouched images from microfilms at the Nashua Public Library.
The webmaster is not taking sides on any controversy, or promoting any theory,
about what really happened; and selects articles based on relevance. The webmaster uses
the same headline on this website as shown in the Nashua Telegraph, but where a short article
has no headline, the webmaster writes one based on the content of the article.
The Telegraph is published in the morning nowadays, from headquarters in Hudson, New Hampshire, U.S.A.,
but was an evening paper named Nashua Telegraph, published from headquarters
at 60 Main Street in Nashua, ( pronounced NASH-oo-uh ) New Hampshire, U.S.A.
when these reports were published.