Nashua Telegraph
Nashua, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
28 February 1933 page 4.
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MARCH 1933
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Young Dutch Communist Caught After Setting
Fire to Half Century Old Reichstag Build-
ing—Police Begin Wholesale Arrests

  BERLIN, Feb. 28 (AP)–The Hitler government to-
day prohibited publication of the entire Leftist Press and
also ordered the arrest of the 100 Communist members of
the last parliament.
  With Reichstag and Prussian Diet election five days
off, both orders were regarded as forerunners to the out-
lawing of the Communist party. They followed swiftly
upon partial destruction of the massive half-century old
Reichstag building by a fire started by an alleged Dutch
Communist last night. Many persons thought the fire
was set by others so Communists could be blamed.

Among 130 persons arrested
by noon were two leading mem-
bers of the Pacific League for
Human Rights and several rad-
ical writers.
  Ernst Torgler, Communist
floor leader of the Reichstag,
voluntarily presented himself
to police.

  Police squadrons occupied the
building housing the Vorwaerts,
principal newspaper of the Social-
ist party, for four hours this morn-
ing, and confiscated truckloads of
election propaganda.
  The two leftist parties formed
the bulk of the majority opposition
against the Hitler regime in the
Reichstag dissolved this month,
holding 221 of the 554 states. The
Communists and Hitlerites formed
the two largest parties in the Prus-
sian Diet, which also was dis-
Assures Control
  Outlawing of only the Commun-
ists was expected to assure Chan-
cellor Hitler’s party of control in
both the Reichstag and the Diet to
be elected Sunday.
  It will take eight months to re-
pair the damage to the Reichstag
building and the new Reichstag
will meet in the Prussian Diet
building. Investigation disclosed
the Reichstag building, which in-
cludes some offices of Chancellor
Hitler and other officials, was set
on fire in 15 different places.
  Police began arresting Commun-
ist Reichstagers early this morn-
ing. It was impossible to deter-
mine how many were taken in cus-
tody this forenoon as many Com-
mfunists arrested will be held
pending a complete investigation
of the fire.
  A 24-year-old youth named Van
Der Lubbe admitted setting fire to
the famous building. He came
from Amsterdam where an invet-
tigation disclosed he was known as
a Communist and founder of his
own party in Holland.
Fired Kaiser’s Palace
  The youth also admitted setting
the fire to the former kaiser’s pal-
ace last Saturday night. This fire
wasm extinguished before causing
much damage.
  Van Der Lubbe was caught as he
was running from the Reichstag
building last night. He admitted
starting one fire on the main
floor. Police believed he had ac-
complices who escaped. Prominent
Communist Reichstagers were re-
ported to have been seen fleeing
from the building.
  No official estimate of the dam-
age had been made this morning
but it was expected to amount to
several million marks.