Nashua Telegraph
Nashua, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
28 March 1933 page 4
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APRIL 1933
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Launch Anti-Lie Campaign—Meanwhile Ex-
Gov. Smith Likens Anti-Semitism to Ku
Klux Klan—N.J. Legislature Passes
Protest Resolve

By the Associated Press
  After a day of mass protest, Jews throughout the
world watched today the situation of their brethren in
Germany, where the government launched an “anti-lie
  Alleged mistreatment of Jews in the Reich was pro-
tested at meetings las night in many parts of the world.
In New York more than 22,000 packed Madison Square
Garden, and there was an overflow crowd of many thou-
  Alfred E. Smith, addressing this meeting, said Jews
are “a peace-loving class of citizens that have been help-
ful to every country they inhabit” and declared the only
thing to do with anti-semitism “is to drag it out in the
open sunlight and give it the same treatment we gave the
Ku Klux Klan.”

  Twenty Jewish physicians
were ousted last night from
Berlin hospitals. Chancellor
Hitler’s Nazis announced a
move to boycott Jewish busi-
ness in Germany in answer to
foreign threats of boycotts
against German goods.
  The Nazi minister of propa-
ganda, Joseph Goebbels, an-
nounced “sharp counter-active
measures” would be taken
against those responsible for
reports of anti-Semite atroci-
  A cable from Berlin said tele-
grams of indignation, declaring
that reports of excesses in Ger-
many were exaggerated, were sent
to the United States by members of
the Protestant clergy, Industrial-
ists and Jewish organizations. Dr.
K. O. Bertling, director of Amerika
Institute in Berlin, wired Dr. Nich-
olas Murray Butler that he was
“shocked at the gross misinterpre-
tation of recent German events.”
  Young Fascists stormed a gath-
ering of Jews in Sofia, Bulgaria,
and 15 people were hurt. At a
protest meeting in Buenos Aires,
German Nationalists threw petards
and tear gas bombs and several
persons were injured.
  The New Jersey legislature
passed a resolution protesting what
it called death and imprisonment
of Jewish Nationals by the Hitler
Gov. Lehman’s View
  At Albany, N. Y., Gov. Herbert
H. Lehman said he felt that Amer-
ican sentiment concerning the
treatment of Jews in Germany was
that the “great principles” of lib-
erty should be maintained.
  He said there was “no animosity
to the great german nation.” This
point was also stressed by Rabbi
Stephen S. Wise, at the New York
meeting. Other speakers in New
York were Bishop William T.
Manning of the Protestant Episco-
pal church, and William Green,
president of the Americamn Feder-
ation of Labor.