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Ghettos for
Jews Likely
Nazi Decrees

  Berlin (AP)—Nazis predicted to
day  a  restoration  of  the  Ghetto
for Jews under new restrictive de-
crees promised after the Thursday
upsurge  of  anti-Jewish  violence
  The Jews, said the Nazi inform-
ants, would be compelled to live
and do business only in sufficient
number to supply the needs of the
Jewish communities.  (Walled and
gated Ghettos had their origin in
Italy  in  the16th  century.  They
were known in the Germany of
that day as Judengasse.)
  The Nazis are confident the new
decrees will mark the final liquida-
tion of the Jewish issue in Ger-
many, and that there will be no
more anti-Jewish outbreaks like
those of yesterday in which mil-
lions of dollars of damage was
done in the smashing of jewish
store windows, the looting of shops
and the burning of synagogues in
a dozen cities.
  They attributed the present out-
break entirely to a wave of re-
sentment for the slaying of Ernst
Vom Rath, secretary of the Ger-
man embassy in Paris, by a jewish
  The new decrees were discussed
by Chancellor Hitler and his ad-
visors in confederances until late
last night.
Conferring  with  Hitler  were
field marshal Goering, chief of
the four-year plan for economic
independence; Rudolf Hess, Hit-
ler’s deputy in party affairs: for-
mer minister Von Ribbentrou, pro-
paganda minister Goebbels and
officials of the ministry of the in-
  Goebbels promised the decrees
when he called a halt to the dem-