Continued from Page One
The final answer to Jewry will
be given in the form of laws or
Goebbels appeal was issued at 4
p m (10 a m EST) some 14 hours
after violence began in Berlin.
Nationwide extent of the anti-
Jewish wave was shown by the
following telephoned reports from
many cities to the Associated
Munich—All Jews were told they
must leave the country within 48
hours. The only remaining Jewish
bank, Aufhausers, was raided and
its windows smashed. One of its
directors and his wife committed
suicide, another was taken to a
concentration camp. A third, a
British subject, was not molested.
Nuenrberg—Private houses of
Jews were entered, children
thrown out of their beds, furniture
was smashed, carpets torn up.
Cologne—Crowds broke windows
in nearly every Jewish shop. An | |
entrance to a synagogue was forc-
ed, its seats overturned, windows
smashed, books torn. One building
was set afire but the blaze was
quickly extinguished. A century-old
Jewish restaurant was badly dam-
Salzburg—A synagogue was res-
troyed and its tirual emblems de-
molished. Shops of small Jewish
tradesmen were invaded, demolish-
ed and looted.
Potsdam—A synagogue was raid-
ed and Jewish shops destroyed.
Treutlingen, Bamberg and Bay-
reuth, all in Bavaria reported
synagogues demolished.
At Eberswalde, Brandenburg
and Kottbus, all near Berlin, syna-
gogues were burned.
Late in the afternoon fire broke
out in Israels department store,
one of the three largest in Berlin,
partly owned by British interests,
Quick work by firemen extinguish-
ed the blaze.
Israels is near Alexander sq
and all traffic in that section was
tied up. |