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Wave Of Anti Jewish Violence
Spreads In Berlin And Vienna

Synagogues and
Stores Dynamited

Nazi Vengeance for Slaying
of Official; Italians Issue
Anti-Jewish Decrees

  Berlin (AP)—Nazi Germany today indulged in its greatest
wave of anti-Jewish violence since Adolf Hitler came to power
in 1933.
  As a national day of vengeance for the assassination of a
German diplomat be a Jew in Paris wore on reports from every
section of the country told of the burning and dynamiting of
synagogues and demolition and looting of Jewish shops.

  The  report  indicated  that  the
campaign was conducted with a
thoroughness and precision that
left little to chance.
  Only after more than 12 hours of
nationwide violence did propaganda
Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels call
a halt, in a brief appeal to the
people to desist from further dem-
  But his appeal concluded with
what responsible Jews feared might
be a threat of a general order for
all Jews to leave the country.
  “The justifiable and understand-
able  indignation  of  the  German
people over the cowardly Jewish
murder of a German diplomat in
Paris has resulted during the past
night in extensive demonstrations,”
said Goebbels.
  He  referred  to  the  killing  of
Ernst Vom Rath, secretary of the
Paris  embassy,  by  a  17-year-old
Polish Jew who had lived in Germany.
  Telephoned reports from many
parts of Germany showed that anti-
Jewish violence, beginning early to-
day, was nationwide.
  Seven of Berlin’s 20 synagogues
were burned. All Vienna’s 21 syna-
gogues  were  reported  burned,
wrecked  or  badly  damaged.  In
Munich all Jews were told by angry
Nazis that they must leave the
country within 48 hours.
  “In numerous cities and commun-
ities of the Reich,” said Goebbels’
appeal,  “acts  of  violence  were
committed against Jewish build-
ings and businesses.
  The entire population is now,
however, strictly requested to de-
sist imediately from all further
demonstrations  and  actions  of
whatever nature against Jewdom.

Please Turn to Page Two

Synagogues and
Stores Dynamited

Continued from Page One

  “The final answer to Jewry will
be given in the form of laws or
  Goebbels’ appeal was issued at 4
p m (10 a m EST) some 14 hours
after violence began in Berlin.
  Nationwide extent of the anti-
Jewish wave was shown  by  the
following telephoned reports from
many cities  to  the  Associated
  Munich—All Jews were told they
must leave the country within 48
hours. The only remaining Jewish
bank, Aufhausers, was raided and
its windows smashed.  One of its
directors and his wife committed
suicide, another was taken to  a
concentration  camp. A  third,  a
British subject, was not molested.
  Nuenrberg—Private houses  of
Jews  were  entered,  children
thrown out of their beds, furniture
was smashed, carpets torn up.
  Cologne—Crowds broke windows
in nearly every Jewish shop. An

entrance to a synagogue was forc-
ed, its seats overturned, windows
smashed, books torn. One building
was set afire but the  blaze was
quickly extinguished. A century-old
Jewish restaurant was badly dam-
  Salzburg—A synagogue was res-
troyed and its tirual emblems de-
molished. Shops of small Jewish
tradesmen were invaded, demolish-
ed and looted.
  Potsdam—A synagogue was raid-
ed and Jewish shops destroyed.
  Treutlingen, Bamberg and Bay-
reuth, all in Bavaria  reported
synagogues demolished.
At  Eberswalde,  Brandenburg
and Kottbus, all near Berlin, syna-
gogues were burned.
  Late in the afternoon fire broke
out in Israel’s department store,
one of the three largest in Berlin,
partly owned by British interests,
Quick work by firemen extinguish-
ed the blaze.
  Israel’s is near  Alexander  sq
and all traffic in that section was
tied up.