First Split Between
Nazi and National- ists
BERLIN, Mar. 23 (AP)–Opposi-
tion parties still permitted to func-
tion were warned not to oppose
Chancellor Hitlers demand for a
four-year dictatorship at todays
Reichstag meeting.
The Nazis and Nationalists with
nearly the necessary two-thirds
votes in their own ranks, were con-
fident of passage of the enabling
act putting the Reichstag out of
business and scrapping the Repub-
lican constitution. Nevertheless
the government served notice it
would accept any opposition as a
declaration of war and that such
parties and their voters would suf-
The warning was directed par-
ticularly at the Centrists and So-
cialists, the Communists not being
allowed to take their seats.
Meanwhile the first serious break
between Hitlers Nazis and their
government associates, the Nation-
alists, was reported in informed
quarters in a dispute over the pre-
miership of Prussia.
The new Prussian Diet, which
was to have elected a premier to-
day, was indefinitely adjourned
after its opening meeting yesterday
by the Nazi speaker, Hans Kerrl.
A deadlock was reported with
the Nazi members insisting on the
selection of Capt. Hermann Goer-
ing, Hitlers chief aide, as premier,
and the Nationalists equally adam-
ant in backing President Von Hin-
denburgs close personal friend,
Vice Chancellor Franz Von Papen,
for the post.
Hitler himself, it was reported,
wanted his highest state office for
his own as well as the Reich
chancellorship, but apparently
yielded to Von Papen. The latter
heads the Nationalist majority in
the Hitler cabinet, placed there by
President Von Hindenburg to curb
any redical tendencies of the Nazis.
The Nazi clean-up campaign
in berlin brought the closing today
of kindergartens and music schools
directed by Jews in the Prenzlau-
er Berg section. Socialists and
Communists were barred brom city
clubhouses and athletic fields.
A Communist leader was slain
by a Nazi at Gelsenkirchen. The
latter claimed to have acted in
Monarchists demonstrations in
various parts of the country mark-
ed the birthday anniversary yes-
terday of the last Kaisers grand-
father Wilhelm I. |