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Govt Tolerates Boy-
cotts In Parts of Germany
BERLIN, Mar. 29 (AP) – Ger-
manys boycott of Jews, although it
doesnt begin officially until the
mornuing of April1, already has be-
gun to take form.
This morning the Berlin city
government ordered that from
April 1 on all supplies for munici-
pal projects and offices be pur-
chased only from Nationalist mer-
Forty-eight Jewish shops, picket-
ed by National Socialist storm
troopers were quickly closed by
their owners, and a number of
other shops, run by non-Jews on
money borrowed from Jews, also
were picketed. Jewish professors
were prevented from entering the
class room buildings at the Univer-
sity of Westphalia.
Hugo Sinzheimer, a member of
the university faculty, and three
Jewish attorneys were placed un-
der protective arrest. Prof.
Sinzheimer was a reporter for the
war guilt commission, and is a
member of the German Peace socie-
The National Socialist party
headquarters, which issued its ap-
peal for a general Jewish boycott
yesterday, describes the campaign
as in retaliation for erroneous re-
ports of Jewish persecution pub-
lished abroad.
BERLIN, Mar. 29 (AP) The Hit-
ler government was silent today as
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the dominant national Socialist
party went ahead organizing com-
mittees throughout the country to
stop all Jewish business and pro-
fessional activity by Saturday
Even school attendance by Jew-
ish children is to be reduced.
Two Berlin newspapers not
dominated by the Nazi party warn-
ed the government of the possible
effects. A prominent Jewish paper
envisaged a revival of the middle
age ghettos of the isolating of the
Jews in separate villages such as
those of gypsies throughout Eu-
Boycotts in Effect
It was impossible to predict
whether the government would in-
tervene. Boycotts already in effect
in several sections of the country
were being tolerated by the gov-
Its immediate attention in the
meanwhile was taken up by the
strained relations in its own ranks
caused by the reported counter re-
volt movement in Brunswick in-
volving the steel helmet (war vet-
erans) organization. Only 150 men
remained in custody there after the
release las night of 1,200 who had
been held prisoners 24 hours in the
steel helmet headquarters.
Those still in custody were de-
scribed as Leftist leaders. The Nazi
storm troops, who fought side by
side with the steel helmeters to
establish the Hitler regime and
shared police duties with them,
since had accused the latter of en-
rolling more than 1,000 former
Reichs banner (republican defense
force) men to oust the Nazis.
The order disbanding the steel
helmeters in that state and remov-
ing them as auxiliary police will
be rescinded Saturday, it was an-