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Nazi Army In Sudetens; Czechs Give Up To Poles Meet Ultimatum
To Surrender City Nazi Army
Of 30,000 in Sudetenland Headquarters of the German
Army of Occupation, Passau, ger- many (AP)—Main body of the Germany Army crossed the Czechoslovak frontier at 2 p m (8 a m, EST) today, to start its formal occupation of Sudeten- land. Reconnoitering units had pre- ceded the main body of the occu- pation force across the border during the early morning. It planned to occupy about one- quarter of the first zone of the ceded territory today, going as far as Warmer and Moldau rivers. As the German troops ad- vanced, they were separated from Czechoslovak forces by a neutral zone 3,000 meters (3,270 yard) wide running roughly parallel to the new frontier. Military law today ruled the first Czechoslovak zone occupied by the German Army. Foreigners not attached to head- quarters or not accompanied by |