Nashua Telegraph
Nashua, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
2 July 1934 page 1


Not Grieving for Dead Men
at Shaw Home

  BEVERLY FARMS Mass., July 2
(AP)—Dr. Ernst F. S. Hanfstaengl,
confidential   aide  to   Chancellor
Hitler, believes Germany is march-
ing towards “a greater, brighter
   He speaks of Hitler as the man
who has “everted chaos, and has
not only averted ruin for Germany,
but for the entire civilized world.“
   “Hitler has proven himself never
greater, never more human than
in the last 48 bitter hours”—so it
is that Dr. Hanstaengl comments
on the storm troop rebellion in the
far-off Fatherland. He came to
attend his 25th reunion at Harvard
university. He is the guest of Louis
Agassiz Shaw, a classmate, at the
latter’s estate.
   “Going home?”
   “If they needed me I would go,”
he answered, “but I am here and I
intend to enjoy myself for a little
while longer.”
   Dr. Hanfstaengl knew person-
ally most of the men who played
the principal roles in the revolt—
Captain Ernst Roehm, National
Commander  of the Storm troops
who was executed, and   former
Chancellor Kurt Von  Schleicher,
slain with his wife while resisting
arrest, were old firends.
   But he denied that their deaths
had caused him grief.