Imperial Family Keeping Out Of Turns Of Events In Germany While Troops Still Guard Streets
(By Louis P. Lochner) Copyright, 1934, By the Associated Press
BERLIN, July 2—President Paul Von Hindenburg to day made the Reichswar (German army) personally responsible for the safety of Vice Chancellor Franz Von
Papen, threatening a state of seige if he were victimized for his recent bold stand in criticizing some Nazi policies.
A guard of special Blackshirt soldiers was delegates to ensure Von Papens safety.
The ultimate fate of the vice chancellor, bitter conservative crit-
ic of some of the Nazi methods, had become a question of burning moment in Germany when his
friend and patron, President von
Hindenburg, gave his blessings to Chancellor Hitler today.
The president from his retreat in
Neudech where he is lying ill tele- graphed the chancellor:
You have saved the German
people from serious dangers. I ex- press to you my deep thanks and gratitude with cordial regards.
So far as was known to the gen- eral public von Papen was still for- bidden to leave his apartment ad- joining Hitlers. Several of his close collaborators were dead.
Those executed in Saturdays
ruthless liquidation of Nazi Ex- tremists and Rightists opposed to the Nazi regime, included Werner von
Alvensleben, von Papens close friend. The vice chancellors ad- jutant, Friedrich von Tschirrsky,
was reported to have committed suicide. Von Papens secretary,
Hubert von Bose, was said to have gone the same way.
It was apparent to all that Hitler and his chief adjutant Hermann Wilhelm Goering, were, in the
present situation at least, firmly in the saddle.
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Continued from Page One
With principal leaders of the op-
position already dead and other
shootings rumored hourly, oppos-
ing forces had no directing heads
to lead them into action.
Government buildings were still
heavily guarded by police today and
police with rifles walked the streets
by twos. The blackshirted Schutz
Staffel, Goerings special guards-
men, were held in readiness for an
Among the kaleidoscopic develop-
ments of the day was the arrest of
Major Mueldner von Muelmheim,
for many years adjutant to the
former Crown Prince Friedrich
Wilhelm who was taken into cus-
tody because of his known friend-
ship for General Kurt von Schleich-
er. The latter, former chancellor
and firm monarchist, was killed
resisting arrest Saturday.
The former crown prince return-
ed today from his estate at Oles,
Silesia, and said that he had been
molested in no way while he was
there or while he was traveling.
He went to his Potsdam home im-
mediately upon his arrival. Prince
August Wilhelm, the Kaisers
fourth son, was reported on good
authority to be at his home in Pots-
dam with his movements unre-
In this connection it was pointed
out that the whole former imper-
ial house appeared to be keeping
strictly out of the situation. No
member would make even the
slightest comment.
The number of dead in the week-
ends upheaval was fixed unoffi-
cially today at 18.
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