Italy Issues
Drastic Anti
Jew Decree
  Rome (AP)—Italian cabinet today
approved  sweeping  decree  laws
excluding  Jews  from  government
positions  of  any  kind,  restricting
their business and professions, for-
bidding  their  marriage  to  Aryan
Italians  and  limiting  their  family
  The cabinet decrees adopted at a
meeting presided over by Premier
Mussolini, put into effect the racial
policy outlined by the Fascist Grand
Council  on  Oct  7.
  The decrees defines a member
of the Jewish race as any person:
  First, both of whose parents
were Jewish in race even though
the offspring did not practice the
Jewish religion.
  Second, with one parent of the
Jewish race and the other of
foreign nationality.
Third, whose mother was Jew-
ish and whose father was un-
  Fourth, born of parents of
Italian nationality either of whom
is of the Jewish race, belongs
to the Jewish religion, is a mem-
ber of an Israelite community or
therwise has manifested Hebrew-

  The decrees exempted as non-
Jewish those born of parents of
Italian nationality  only  one  of
whom belongs to the Jewish race,
if, as of October 1, 1938, they prac-
ticed a religion other than Jewish.
  The decrees provided that within
three months Jews shall be exclud-
ed from government service, civil
or military, Fascist organizations
and positions in the following clas-
  Provincial and local government
positions,  public  charitable  insti-
ported with public funds, municipal

Please Turn to Page Seven

The previous line and the next line apparently were accidentally switched.

Italy Issues
Drastic Decree
(Continued from Page One)
tutions, transportation lines sup-
enterprises,  semi-government  ad-
ministrations, national works, trade
and  professional  syndicates,  all
other institutions of public inter-
est and government control, subsid-
iaries  in  which the  government
owns  half  of  the  capital,  banks
“of national interest” and private
insurance companies.


  Jews were further forbidden to
enter the military service in peace
or war; to act as guardians or
conservators for non-Jewish minors
or deficients; to own or operate any
firm which is considered useful
to national defense or any firm
employing more than 100 person;
  To assume any public administra-
tive office or mayorship; to own
land of which the total value ex-
ceeds 5,000 lira ($263) or to own
urban factories with a total tax-
able value exceeding 20,000 lira
($1052)              ½
  Jews were forbidden to employ
Aryan Italian servants.
  The decree provided that jewish
father may be deprived of paternal
auhtority  over  children  who  be-
long to a religion other than
Jewish in cases where the father
is found to be educating them in a
way contrary to their religious prin-
ciples or the Italian national aim.