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–Continued from First Page–
But there was no tendency in
that direction as propaganda was
poured through every available
channel to stir up national feeling
against what the Nazis called the
international conspiracy of the
Chancellor Hitlers old battle
cry that Jews and the stock ex-
changes started the World War
was revived in todays proclama-
tion, issued by the central boycott
Judah is stabbing Germany in
the back with the same methods it
employed to perpetrate the crim-
inal World War. Again Judah is at
work calumniating the German
people as Huns and Barbarians,
said the proclamation.
Reports from the United States
that the boycott would be called
off were cited in the press. The
newspaper Angriff, edited by Joseph
Goebbels, the new minister of
propaganda in the Hitler cabinet,
seemed particularly irritated by
these reports.
In some sections of the Amer-
ican press, Germanys counter-
measures are being answered by a
renewed demand for a boycott of
German Goods, it said. Tomor-
rows boycott was planned to pun-
ish German Jews for the alleged
spread of atrocity stories abroad.
See Jewish Plot
The Nazis profess to see an in-
ternational Jewish plot at work,
such as they have always blamed
for the ill that befell Germany as
a result of the World War.
Several hundred thousand brown-
shirted Nazis are to begin the
picketing of Jewish establishments
throughout the country and already
have been assigned to their posts.
In manytowns boycotts already
were active but the Nazis troops
were ordered to halt them and in
some places they were able to do
so, though it was necessary to
close the victimized stores.
The Jews themselves will be
obliged to identify their stores for
the boycott campaign by hanging
out yellow-lettered black placards,
outdoor demonstrations and pub-
lic display of posters today an-
nounced instructions and slogans
for the boycotters.
Boycott committees also have
staffs of persons to photograph
anyone patronizing boycotted
stores and these will be published
in newspapers and shown on mo-
tion picture screens to shame them.
Plans have also been announced
to restrict Jewish attendance in
schools of all grades and last night
the Prussian Nazi party proposed
that the Jewish enrollment be cut
to one per cent.
An order was issued by the Nazi
headquarters to refrain from inter-
fering with the business of the
Woolworth chain stores.
One report laid the latest out-
break against the Woolworth stores
to an erroneous belief that the or-
iginal Woolworth was a Jew.
(American investors have $27,000,-
000 invested in various chair stores
and Jewish-owned department
stores in Germany.)