ROME, Apr. 13 (AP)–The Musso-
lini four-power peace pact, Capt.
Hermann Goering, minister with-
out portfolio in the German cabi-
net, told newspaper men this morn-
ing is the only one which can give
Europe necessary peace for sev-
eral decades.
He said the pact had been com-
pletely accepted in germany and
he hoped it would not be modi-
fied by attempts of other powers
and that the negotiations would
return to Il Duces primitive idea,
which should be fulfilled.
He declared that Chancellor Hit-
ler already had expressed to the
Italian premier his own apprecia-
tion of this courageous and genial
Captain Goering admitted that his
visit to Rome was official but said
it concerned an intensification of
aerial communication between
Italy and Germany and also his de-
sire to evtend an invitation to Gen.
Italo Balbo, Italian air minister.
to visit Berlin after returning from
a group flight to Chicago which he
will head. He sa id General Balbo
had accepted.
General Balbo will head a flight
of 20 Italian airplanes to the Cen-
tury of Progress Exposition in
Affinity in Thought
He voiced an affinity in thought
and sentiment existing between
Fascism and National Socialism0
and said, Chancellor Hitler and I
advocate cordial Italo-German col-
laboration, since between the two
countries exist no differences
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worth mentioning.
Captain Goering expressed satis-
faction for having heard Il Duce
say that Italy and Germany have
the same friends and the same ene-
mies. and declared that the revo-
lution in Germany could not have
been accomplished had not the
Fascist example existed.
He affirmed that Germany is no
peril to any nation. |