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Berlin Jews
Is Underway
  Berlin (AP)—Count Wolf Von Hell-
dorf, chief of Berlin police, an-
nounced today he was “disarming”
Berlin’s Jews and that he had
seized quantities of arms and am-
munition in the last few weeks.
  The  announcement  was  made
while Nazis were taking reprisals
against jews for the shooting of a
German embassy secretary in Paris
by a young Polish Jew,  but the
round up of arms began some time
before the Paris shooting.
  It was disclosed that a systematic
search had been made and that all
weapons for which special permits
were lacking were seized. The po-
lice chief said 1,702 firearms, 20,000
rounds  of  ammunition  and  2,569
steel knives or knuckes had been
found on Jews and that the search
was continuing.
  Anti-Jewish  reprisals  were  re-
ported from two German towns,
while the government banned all
Jewish publications until further