Nashua Telegraph
Nashua, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
2 July 1934 page 6

              AT WASHINGTON
   WASHINGTON, July 2 (AP)—
Anxiety and hope mingled in the
minds of observers today as they
read about the moppying up of
Germany’s abortive revolt.
   Some feared that the violence
in the Reich might make the
problem of debts more difficult;
others hoped that Hitler’s crush-
ing of so-called “wild men” might
make the outlook for peace in
Europe a bit brighter
   They wondered if the Hitler
stand against the Extremists
might herald a modification of
the intense nationalism which has
characterized his rise to power.
   As for debts, germany has de-
clared a moratorium on foreign
obligations which include about
$1,500,000,000 held in the United
States.  A reason she gave was
that greatly diminished foreign
trade had reduced her foreign ex-
change so that she could not con-
tinue interest payments.
   If uncertainty or unrest should
continue for long, some feared
that Germany’s foreign trade
would feel further adverse ef-
fects.  Also, the news from the
Reich was expected to bode no
particular good for tourist traf-

( By Louis P. Lochner)
(Copyright, 1934 By The (AP))

   BERLIN, July 2 —Scores of Nazi
Storm troop sub-leaders, possibly
hundreds,   have   been   arrested
throughout Germany in Chancellor
Hitler’s ruthless “house cleaning,”
it was learned today.
   The sub-leaders were arrested in
wholesale fashion, after a week-end
of violence which saw a number of
their superiors summarily execu-

   Estimates of arrests ranged from
100 to several hundred with offi-
cial figures withheld. Men accused
of plotting against Hitler were ar-
rested in Storm troop groups in
Berlin-Brandenburg, Bavaria, Sile-
sia and Pomerania.
   A statement issued last night
said the “cleaning has finished” but
at the same time Ailheim Goering,
minister without portfolio and
premier of Prussia, said those
“found to be traitors against the
leader must be called to account.”
   A special storm troop law puni-
shes treason with the death penalty
and Goering plainly indicated he
intended to proceed mercilessly
against mutineers and reaction-
   No death list has been issued but

it was expected the number would
far exceed the known 18.
   Rumors that former Crown
Prince Friedrick Wilhelm had been
arrested were proved groundless.
   The   Associated   Press   called
Friedrich’s house and was assured
by the major domo of the house-
hold that “all those rumors are
nonsense. His Royal Highness is
not under arrest but is sound asleep
 Hitler had a strong hold on a
beleaguered Germany as he drove
onward his relentless supression of
the “second revolution.”
   International reverberations to
the bloody week-end are being fol-
lowed closely.   Diplomants here
were asked by their home govern-
ments to investigate the govern-
ment“s claim that “dealings with a
foreign power” was the reason
General Von Schleicher, Captain
Roehm, of the storm troopers, and
other leaders were killed.
   The representations,   however
were turned aside by government
officials.   One unofficials report
said the “foreign power” referred
to was France.
   The man in the   street wore a
grim expression and mulled over
guarded newspaper reports of the
   Conservative circles saw in the
swift moving developments a poss-
ible connection  betweem  Hitler’s
actions and his recent conversa-
tions with Mussolini at Venice.
   Rumors of a possible return to a
monarchy floated about.   But the
Hohenzollerns — at home   a n d
abroad — refused to discuss the
situation.   No word   came from
Doorn, where former Kaiser Wil-
helm is in exile.   Guards  were
places about homes of Hohenzol-
lerns in Germany.
   Dr. Joseph Goebels, minister of
propaganda, day on Munich rebels
following a flight from Berlin.
   “TheAirdrome the Leader (Hit-
ler) receives reports.” said Goebels.